Inbound Marketing Vs Outbound Marketing

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Inbound Marketing Vs Outbound Marketing

Post by roseline371277 »

Since 2005, two terms that are totally opposed have come to light: Inbound Marketing and Outbound Marketing . The first refers to attracting your buyers naturally by offering them useful and interesting content , without obligations, and the second refers to interrupting them, without them having searched for you or being interested in your product , until they take you into account and buy from you.

Let's be honest, what do you prefer? A brand that is there offering its help and services only phone number identifier philippines when you decide you need it, or a brand that appears in your life at every moment regardless of whether you need it or not. We're sure that most of us prefer the first one.

But what is Inbound Marketing and what is Outbound Marketing? How do they differ? What advantages do each have over the other?

What is Inbound Marketing?
In these times, the user has taken control and now it is he who decides how and when to buy. When was the last time you called a salesperson instead of going to Google to search for what you needed? We assure you it was a long time ago. This is what Inbound Marketing is all about : knowing what your potential client is looking for and how they are looking for it and being there when they are searching.


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This technique was born from  Seth Godin 's book Turning strangers into friends, and friends into customers published in 1991, where this marketing guru prevented the change in consumer culture by ensuring that

“Consumers will only give a company permission to communicate with them if they know what they will gain in return. The advertiser has to compensate users, explicitly or implicitly, for paying attention to its messages.”
After this revelation Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah create Inbound Marketing and define it as

“ Inbound marketing allows users and potential customers to find you on the Internet and learn about your products and services. It is about offering value in a non-intrusive way, unlike traditional advertising, so consumers do not feel that the goal is to make a sale. With inbound techniques, your customers come to you and with outbound techniques, you are the one who must find them. In the first case, the key is to create quality content; and in the second, the budget.”

Image courtesy of Hubspot

Their methodology is based on four stages : Attract, Convert, Close and Delight. In each of them, the secret lies in quality content and understanding what your potential client is looking for in each of them, in order to guide them and ultimately make the purchase and recommend you. 

As you can see in the image above, the main objective of Inbound Marketing is to turn strangers into promoters of your brand or company. How? By getting them to your blog through the creation of quality content that is intertwined with the tastes and needs of your audience.

Then, once they are inside, you offer them a “ call to action ” that can be to download an Ebook, Whitepaper, Practical Guide or request free advice. In exchange, this person fills out and sends a form with some of their data that is of most interest to the brand.

From this moment on, that stranger becomes a Lead or potential client. This is when you start sending emails, content on social media and other Digital Marketing techniques little by little, to continue educating them and give them reasons to choose your product.
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