Cheaper! Even cheaper! This slogan is definitely not a good one to follow when developing a website. As a reasonable person, you know: nothing is done for nothing. Alas, the world is ruled by self-interest, some will say. But this has nothing to do with it. Any work should be appreciated on its merits. Any product is also assessed on its usefulness and quality. You wouldn’t go to a doctor who treats you for pennies, would you? You wouldn’t buy a kilogram of meat (may vegetarians forgive me) for five rubles?
Website creation is exactly the same product. Only you will not eat it, but will show it to your potential clients, and not only show it, but also, possibly, sell goods/services on it. Cheap websites are not created with good intentions: the offer to create a web resource cheaper hides many tricks, and these tricks can very sadly affect the quality of the site. This can be poor layout, stolen design and much more. And your resource can also fall into a real virus trap. Read on to find out how much it costs to order a quality website and how much your reputation is worth.
How much does it cost to develop a secure and high-quality website?
Only a web studio can make a full-fledged turnkey website with high quality. Why? Because only in a studio will professional employees work on the project: a designer, a layout designer, an SEO specialist, a content manager and a manager. And absolutely all projects are sealed with a contract and signatures. Each employee does their own thing and at the same time, everyone, like links in a chain, is connected by one goal. The studio is always in touch, the customer can come to the studio at any time during the working day, and the project is brought to the very end - even if the customer is super picky.
It will take employees from two to three weeks to a month to develop web design and programming. It is necessary to take into account that all professionals need to be paid (the average salary is 60 thousand rubles, and to create a web resource - remember, a good web resource - at least three people are needed). Only in the case of the presence of professionals in the web studio and the correct, not underestimated assessment of their work, unique, SEO-optimized, truly stylish web resources are obtained. By the way, you need to think about search engine optimization of the site at the initial stage of its creation. And the studio also needs to be paid for office rent, taxes, high-quality software, Internet, etc. Even without counting the profit, the amount will already exceed 100 thousand.
Newbies, Freeloaders and Tricksters: The Threatening Division
Who usually asks for less than 50 thousand rubles to create a website?
Firstly, freelancers. There are good designers and layout australia email address list designers among them, but in this case you always take a risk. In addition, working with a freelancer has a number of disadvantages - you can read about this in this article .

Secondly, web studios. Those who make projects cheaply are divided into three categories:
A) Newcomers to the market – gain experience due to low prices for services. Such studios may not understand all the subtleties of design and layout, and the resulting sites may turn out to be “raw”.
B) Freeloaders. Those who offer low prices for development are also doing other projects at the same time. You are not their priority, and the quality of the work is not what they care about first and foremost. They are concerned with how to quickly deliver the project and find new clients: the more, the better.
C) Cunning. They can create a "stolen" or template site and pass it off as unique, offer hosting and domains that will then need to be renewed (for a fee), can use stolen modules and components, copy-paste from other sources, can install an engine that will not satisfy you in the future, etc., etc. There are many nuances.
When working with freelancers, newbies, freeloaders and swindlers, it is not a fact that the site will not have to be redesigned immediately after launch.
When dealing with all these categories, there is one more thing to consider. It is really scary. And that is viruses.
Danger! Infected Sites
How much does it cost to order a quality website and why cheap websites pose a hidden threat
Many people, when creating a website, resort to the help of templates. Clients, too, under the guise of a unique resource, can receive a not unique, but a te