All PRO members will receive an invite via email in the next 2-3 days with a link to register

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All PRO members will receive an invite via email in the next 2-3 days with a link to register

Post by zihadhasan019 »

You'll be able to dial-in or hear the webinar via your computer speakers/headphone and ask questions via a chat interface. You can see an examples of a past presentation I've made below: This lengthy one came from my HostingCon keynote and serves as a fun introduction to SEO (BTW - let me strongly recommend against creating slide decks using photos of a whiteboard; it's fun and the audience likes it, but it took about 12 solid hours of surprisingly intensive whiteboard drawing and erasing, nevermind the editing, cropping and pasting): I'm very much looking forward to spending the morning with our PRO members next week! If you're not yet PRO, Scott's got some pretty sweet offers still available including the SES Chicago ticket + 1 year of PRO for $799 (and you can trade in the Chicago pass for any SES event in 2010) and the Advanced Training DVD for PRO members at $199.

Note that the other topics that received lots israel email list of votes - SEO Metrics & KPIs, Social Media Marketing, etc. will likely be the topics for webinars in January, February and March. Bac Yesterday night I stayed up way too late authoring a post on Google's Indexation Cap. Today, despite getting up way too early, I wanted to follow up and answer some of the questions from the comments, Twitter and my email. I think SEOs who read the post rightly asked for more direction in solving this problem - a fair request.


Below, I've done my best to tackle these problems visually, as I believe we all think about site architecture and crawling issues in a visual structure. First off, here's a sample site hierarchy to set down the concept and give the colors I'm using in the following diagrams more context: A Sample Site Architecture Next, I've illustrated in a more representative fashion, how those hierarchies might look on a website, and noted the external link potential of each: Typical Site's Link Earning Potential by Content Section In this next piece, I'm trying to explain a very important concept and something that's frequently misunderstood by SEOs.
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