This way you can check if you have the audience

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This way you can check if you have the audience

Post by Md5656se »

Within the page visitors, we find the highlighted data from the last 30 days (since you cannot select the date you want, we recommend that you check it periodically to compare results).

In this section we can check the number of people who have visited us regardless of the number of times they have accessed the page, that is, it records the total number of visits and the unique number of users who have entered your website and thus you will confirm that users have entered more times.

Visitor data
This analysis is filterable by date and we can select the data that we are most interested in checking.

From here we can find out from which device they have viewed our page and we can also see which pages they have visited.

Characteristics of visitors
In this section of LinkedIn Analytics we will obtain a lot of information about our visitors, such as: what they do, where they are located, their level of experience in using the social network, their professional sector and the size of the company they work for.

you really want to target.

Analyzing page updates
In this section of LinkedIn Analytics you can check how your posts have code phone number philippines performed.

Update Highlights
As in the previous section, you cannot select your date in the highlighted data, but it does allow you to see the analysis of the last 30 days .

Here you can check the engagement your posts have had, that is, the interaction users have had with them.


Update Indicators
With this option we can choose the date we want to check this analysis.

In this section you can learn more about the interactions your publications have had and, in this way, check which has been better, which content is the most interesting for users and promote what we are truly interested in attracting,

Interaction with updates
You will be able to find out who the author of the post is and the reach it has had through interactions.

Analysis of a page's followers on LinkedIn
It allows us to observe our community to assess whether it is the target audience we want or need and what changes we should make to our content if we are not getting what we want.

To learn more about LinkedIn company pages: how to create them step by step, advantages and examples, click here .
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