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What is a “Focus Accounts” campaign?

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 6:52 am
by surovy115
The more complex your sales process is, the more you need to use Account Based Marketing campaigns (we call them “Focus Accounts”).
In a previous article we told you what an Account Based Marketing strategy consists of. Now we are going to tell you how we do this type of campaigns in our agency.

Focus Account campaigns seek to generate business opportunities (pipeline) with target companies. Your company and the Agency work together. The agency generates meetings with decision makers. Your sales team takes the LEAD and carries out its usual sales process.

They are ideal for companies that do consultative selling (professional services, IT consulting, business software, etc.). They are sales processes lasting 3 to 12 months. Several people (sometimes more than 5) are involved in the process, both on the seller's and buyer's side.

In short, focus account campaigns help open conversations between seller and buyer. They also keep the channel of dialogue open throughout the long process.

When is it appropriate to run a Focus Accounts campaign?
Like any marketing strategy, focus account campaigns are useful for certain circumstances:

When you sell to large companies (top 500 or top 1,000)
When the market segment is small (market niches) (e.g. Product aimed at Finance Directors of Large Banks)
When the sales process is person-to-person (not e-commerce)
When your buyer(s) require a lot of information to make the purchasing decision.
When the purchasing decision goes through several actors (managers, advisors, technicians, etc.
When your product or solution is very new and does not yet have a market category created.
What does a Focus Accounts campaign include?
We present the work methodology that we use with our clients

Understanding the business and marketing fundamentals: We do in-depth research on the company; the product or service that will be offered; the needs it solves, its main advantages over the competition. We put together a fundamentals document that the entire team uses to have a better understanding. This increases the effectiveness of the campaign.
Identification of target companies, industries, sectors, headcount
Identification of buyers, decision-makers, influencers.
LinkedIn Lead Generation via Sales Navigator.
Creation of commercial scripts: we create a series of messages to vietnam mobile number open conversations with potential clients. We use persuasion techniques and advertising copywriting.


LinkedIn Wall Posts: We create posts that help us give greater visibility to the company profile. We distribute our own content. Blog posts or videos in most cases. In other cases, we recommend content from external sources (related to the company).
Weekly follow-up: Once a week we have a follow-up meeting or call with our client. We show the results and make adjustments based on what we are learning.
Monthly results report: we report the number of contact requests sent, contacts added, pending approval, messages sent, calls and meetings generated or in the process of coordination.
What resources are needed to run campaigns with Focus Accounts?
We require a Linkedin Sales Navigator License for each sales executive for whom we generate opportunities. The approximate cost of each license is USD 80 per month.
We created a folder in Google Drive to consult the generated Contact Bases and the lead sheets. Why Drive in particular? It is important that everyone can access the information at all times and in all places.
It is ideal to have a CRM to track opportunities.
How long does it take to see results from a Focus Accounts campaign?
You have to be patient . The minimum duration of a campaign is 3 months. In the first week we can arrange meetings with potential clients.

We recommend a 6-month campaign to see clear results, since the prospecting process in B2B is longer than in B2C.

To increase results, we recommend incorporating telephone follow-up into campaigns after sending the first messages.

The Focus Accounts strategy is the most personalized because it allows you to directly reach decision makers and influencers. With a good “door-opening” strategy, the results are incredible. Between 30 and 50 business meetings can be generated per quarter, for each sales executive .