At least 59% of your users will check your ratings b australia whatsapp number list efore downloading your app. So, take note of your previous ratings and use them to improve your UI and UX. The better reviews you get, the higher your rank in-app listings.
Top free apps on App Store
2. Downloads and Installs
Your app may be so appealing at first glance that several people may rush to download and install it. Take note of the number of downloads and compare it to the number of active users you get within that period. With accurate mobile data analytics, you can gauge your app's popularity and appeal. A high number of downloads and installs is a good omen and a step in the right direction.
3. Session Length
By tracking this metric, you can monitor how long users stay on your app at each use. A longer session shows that users enjoy your app and find it engaging, while a shorter session may be an indication of difficulty while navigating your app.
4. Retention Rate
Onboarding new users is easy—with a simple ad or a positive word, you can get a user to download and check out your app. The real task lies in getting them to keep using your service afterward.
A high
retention rate indicates that your users enjoy your app, while a lower rate indicates otherwise. To increase the metric, you should ensure that your service matches everything advertised and promised.
5. Daily Active Users (DAUs) and Monthly Active Users (MAUs)
If you have an app that people should use daily (like a fitness or food delivery app), you should pay attention to your daily active users. By keeping track of your DAUs, you can monitor those who engage your app and determine its regular usage. Tracking your MAUs helps you monitor the trend in your app's usage and gives you information on a broader level.