Many customization options for site interfaces
Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 5:12 am
Learn about the most famous content management systems in the world ( CMS ). If you are interested in learning the basics of the content management system so that you can create a WordPress site that suits your business, follow this educational article that covers all the areas available in WordPress sites. Let's get started together.
WordPress is the world's most popular way to create your own website or personal blog.
It currently powers 35% or more of the websites australia phone number for whatsapp on the Internet, and more than 62% of websites run on an open source content management system (CMS).
WordPress is now used by everyone, thanks to a number of advantages, including:
SEO friendly system
Open source software with free use by anyone and modification
Many third-party add-ons have a specific function and can be easily installed.
A fast-learning, comprehensive environment that allows non-programmers to manage their own content, settings, and user experience.
It provides a large environment of WordPress users so finding a solution to any problem is straightforward.
All these advantages and more have made it the most popular system in the whole world.
How to install WordPress site?
When you install a WordPress site you are actually installing a set of files (referred to as “WordPress core”) that act as the administrative interface for your website.
These files form the starting point for a website, and along with a PHP-powered database, provide all the functionality for publishing content and managing the site.
When installing WordPress you need to install two sets of files:
1- The core WordPress files that make up the look and function of the WordPress platform.
2- Content files are added in the form of attributes and media such as images and documents.
There are several ways to install WordPress core updates from your WordPress admin panel or via FTP.
But Quality Hosting provides you with installing WordPress on your hosting automatically.
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WordPress Dashboard :
The dashboard is the home base where you can quickly access site content, get status updates about different sections of your site, as well as the WordPress community in general. Your dashboard also displays more information based on the additional elements you have added to your site.
There are four main sections:
1- Quick overview: which summarizes the number of posts, pages and comments.
2- Activity: Displays upcoming scheduled posts, recently published posts, and the latest comment.
3- Quick Draft: Allows you to quickly start a new post by entering a title and content and saving it in the draft.
4- WordPress Events & News: Shows upcoming local events and the latest news from the official WordPress blog .
WordPress settings :
WordPress settings are the focal point for defining and controlling global aspects of your site.
Although many sites will be fine using the default settings.
Take some time to review the settings pages one by one and learn what each one covers so you know what options are available to further customize your site.
General: Configure your site's title, tagline, URLs, email address, default user role, language, time zone, and day/time/week format.
Writing: Set default formatting options for new content, and the necessary access to publish content using email, which is useful if you're not at your computer and need to publish immediately.
Readability: Determine how visitors will see your site when they arrive at the home page, whether it's a static page or blog posts, including the number of posts and optionally their format. Don't encourage search engines to index your site before you're ready to reveal it.
Discussion: Manage how site visitors interact with your content, by commenting and notifying.
Media: Set the default maximum size for images when uploading to your media library. You can optionally organize uploads into month and year-based folders to keep your media library organized.
Permalinks: Define the structure and format for permanent links to site pages.
Privacy: You must understand and follow national or international privacy laws that apply to your site, such as including a privacy policy page. You have the option to select an existing page or create a new one.
Users (Members):
Each site has at least one administrator and multiple users can be created, and the five roles allow for differentiation between user access levels and permissions:
Administrator: Has full authority over the site, including creating, editing, and removing content, changing the appearance, and individual user account details such as passwords.
Editor: Can publish and manage site content, as well as manage content created by other users.
Author: Can publish and manage their own content, but not content created by others.
Contributor: Can create their own content, but the content must be reviewed, approved, and published by an administrator or editor.
Subscriber: Cannot create content, but can manage their profile and subscriber details.
When creating a new user, some required parameters are entered, including a unique username, email address, password, and role. Additional optional information can be added later.
Administrators can edit other people's profiles, but anyone else can only edit their own profile. Profile sections include personal options about the admin interface, name, email address, biographical information, and password.
Main options
All users (members)
Add new
Your account
To edit an existing user: Find the user in the All Members list, hover over the user name, and select Edit.
Pages :
It is the basic structure of the static information of your site. The site must have at least one page that is visible to the public, but it will certainly have more than one page.
While pages are created independently, they are linked via navigation and links, providing a continuous and predictable reading experience for site visitors.
Pages can be created in any order, and once linked via navigation, readers can traverse the information in any order they choose.
Pages are static in nature and the content displayed does not change dynamically while someone is viewing the site.
Typical pages could include a page describing your business, or a contact page that displays your map and contact information.
Pages exist in one of two modes:
Draft: The page exists and you can view it in the editor, but it's not "live" on the site where anyone else can see it.
Published: Once a page is published, there is a way to access it via a link, and anyone can see it.
Main actions on pages
To view a list of all pages go to Pages then All Pages.
To edit an existing page, find the page in the Pages list » All Pages, hover over the page name, and select Edit.
To create a new page: Go to Pages » Add New
WordPress is the world's most popular way to create your own website or personal blog.
It currently powers 35% or more of the websites australia phone number for whatsapp on the Internet, and more than 62% of websites run on an open source content management system (CMS).
WordPress is now used by everyone, thanks to a number of advantages, including:
SEO friendly system
Open source software with free use by anyone and modification
Many third-party add-ons have a specific function and can be easily installed.
A fast-learning, comprehensive environment that allows non-programmers to manage their own content, settings, and user experience.
It provides a large environment of WordPress users so finding a solution to any problem is straightforward.
All these advantages and more have made it the most popular system in the whole world.
How to install WordPress site?
When you install a WordPress site you are actually installing a set of files (referred to as “WordPress core”) that act as the administrative interface for your website.
These files form the starting point for a website, and along with a PHP-powered database, provide all the functionality for publishing content and managing the site.
When installing WordPress you need to install two sets of files:
1- The core WordPress files that make up the look and function of the WordPress platform.
2- Content files are added in the form of attributes and media such as images and documents.
There are several ways to install WordPress core updates from your WordPress admin panel or via FTP.
But Quality Hosting provides you with installing WordPress on your hosting automatically.
Order now the best Arabic hosting from Quality Hosting
WordPress Dashboard :
The dashboard is the home base where you can quickly access site content, get status updates about different sections of your site, as well as the WordPress community in general. Your dashboard also displays more information based on the additional elements you have added to your site.
There are four main sections:
1- Quick overview: which summarizes the number of posts, pages and comments.
2- Activity: Displays upcoming scheduled posts, recently published posts, and the latest comment.
3- Quick Draft: Allows you to quickly start a new post by entering a title and content and saving it in the draft.
4- WordPress Events & News: Shows upcoming local events and the latest news from the official WordPress blog .
WordPress settings :
WordPress settings are the focal point for defining and controlling global aspects of your site.
Although many sites will be fine using the default settings.
Take some time to review the settings pages one by one and learn what each one covers so you know what options are available to further customize your site.
General: Configure your site's title, tagline, URLs, email address, default user role, language, time zone, and day/time/week format.
Writing: Set default formatting options for new content, and the necessary access to publish content using email, which is useful if you're not at your computer and need to publish immediately.
Readability: Determine how visitors will see your site when they arrive at the home page, whether it's a static page or blog posts, including the number of posts and optionally their format. Don't encourage search engines to index your site before you're ready to reveal it.
Discussion: Manage how site visitors interact with your content, by commenting and notifying.
Media: Set the default maximum size for images when uploading to your media library. You can optionally organize uploads into month and year-based folders to keep your media library organized.
Permalinks: Define the structure and format for permanent links to site pages.
Privacy: You must understand and follow national or international privacy laws that apply to your site, such as including a privacy policy page. You have the option to select an existing page or create a new one.
Users (Members):
Each site has at least one administrator and multiple users can be created, and the five roles allow for differentiation between user access levels and permissions:
Administrator: Has full authority over the site, including creating, editing, and removing content, changing the appearance, and individual user account details such as passwords.
Editor: Can publish and manage site content, as well as manage content created by other users.
Author: Can publish and manage their own content, but not content created by others.
Contributor: Can create their own content, but the content must be reviewed, approved, and published by an administrator or editor.
Subscriber: Cannot create content, but can manage their profile and subscriber details.
When creating a new user, some required parameters are entered, including a unique username, email address, password, and role. Additional optional information can be added later.
Administrators can edit other people's profiles, but anyone else can only edit their own profile. Profile sections include personal options about the admin interface, name, email address, biographical information, and password.
Main options
All users (members)
Add new
Your account
To edit an existing user: Find the user in the All Members list, hover over the user name, and select Edit.
Pages :
It is the basic structure of the static information of your site. The site must have at least one page that is visible to the public, but it will certainly have more than one page.
While pages are created independently, they are linked via navigation and links, providing a continuous and predictable reading experience for site visitors.
Pages can be created in any order, and once linked via navigation, readers can traverse the information in any order they choose.
Pages are static in nature and the content displayed does not change dynamically while someone is viewing the site.
Typical pages could include a page describing your business, or a contact page that displays your map and contact information.
Pages exist in one of two modes:
Draft: The page exists and you can view it in the editor, but it's not "live" on the site where anyone else can see it.
Published: Once a page is published, there is a way to access it via a link, and anyone can see it.
Main actions on pages
To view a list of all pages go to Pages then All Pages.
To edit an existing page, find the page in the Pages list » All Pages, hover over the page name, and select Edit.
To create a new page: Go to Pages » Add New