We have already talked about the importance of briefings here on the blog , but today we are going to talk about CREATION BRIEFING: this is when the CUSTOMER SERVICE team seeks information from the client and, after defining which campaign to run, will focus on creating the pieces/artwork that will be created by the CREATION department. Having worked in agencies for a few years now, I have increasingly seen how essential a good briefing is for creating advertising pieces.
When you are writing a resume, don't just summarize your ideas; the more details the better. The main objective is to provide all the information needed for the job to be carried out successfully, meet all requirements and achieve good results.
good briefing
good briefing
Some steps must be taken before defining the briefing:
SERVICE: absorbs the customer's needs and suggests some actions as a solution;
BRAINSTORM: Customer Service takes the idea to the agency and defines, together with other departments, which actions will be carried out;
CLIENT: approves actions and budget;
SERVICE: requests the pieces for Creation. That's where today's honoree comes in: THE BRIEFING
The ideal briefing should answer some important questions and I'll talk a little about them below:
What piece will be created?
We must explain what the pieces for this job will be like; for example: if it is a banner for Google Display, if it is a physical banner, a leaflet, a billboard or even a post for social networks, etc.
Which campaign does the piece refer to?
It is extremely important that the Creative team knows which campaign uk business email database free piece refers to, so that they can follow the same communication that was defined in all the pieces of the campaign.

What is the shape of the piece?
The size of the piece to be made is essential. The Creative Department needs to know how much space it has to include all the information that the Customer Service Department is requesting. For example: to create artwork for social media, we must pay attention to 20% of text in the image. If there is more than that, Facebook will not approve the ad.
TIP: To check if there is the 20% text, click here .
Facebook provides this tool and even explains exactly what each sign means:
Convey an idea of the piece
It is important to say here whether the Creation should follow an already defined idea of a piece (colors, text, format) or if the creation is free. Often the Customer Service and the client have no idea of the piece and this can be discussed together with the Creation.
Text and information required in the piece
Customer Service must provide all the information that should be included in the piece, such as the logo, prices, and phone numbers, as well as knowing whether any information should draw more attention than others. This must be explained to the Creative team so that they know how to do the layout.