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For example, in the United States

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 5:15 am
by bhasan01854
7 TURNING YOUR KOI HOBBY INTO A FLOURISHING BUSINESS Raising Koi for Profit If you started your Koi pond with the intentions of selling Koi and making money, you must understand the koi market. Selling Koi is something like selling coins from a coin collection. Common coins sell for less than the rare ones do. Into which one of these markets do you intend to market your koi. If you choose to sell the rare and special Koi, you are going to need a lot of experience and a good-sized investment in order to be able to compete with the vendors that are already selling their prized koi.

learn more about selling koi fish big business Genetics 101 Hopefully, you are aware that bolivia phone number database you cannot take just any two Koi, put them together, and expect to get a batch of champion Koi for your efforts. You may wind up with 500,000 fry that are the color of mud, and good luck selling them. You must breed like to like in order to produce Koi that people will want to buy. It is a good idea to do some investigating, and find out what Koi variety is the most popular where you live.

the metallic Koi are extremely popular. In order to breed what sells in America, you might want a trio of the Utsuri variety and the Hikarimoyo-mono variety in order to capitalize on this craving for fish bling. In dog breeding, if you breed two poodles together, the outcome of that breeding will be poodles. The same is true with the Koi.