Guerrilla marketing in times of crisis
Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2024 4:00 am
In an environment that has been changing for decades, and more specifically in the face of the crisis that we are experiencing worldwide, the time has come to reconsider the marketing strategies used and perhaps partially or totally modify our marketing plan to maximize our resources by using Guerrilla Marketing.
We could define Guerrilla Marketing as a set of unconventional commercial or communication techniques that consist of obtaining the maximum results or visibility with the minimum investment. Guerrilla Marketing is part of many market strategies to stage actions that are aimed at quickly obtaining results for the company.
Guerrilla Marketing takes advantage of the chinese overseas british data need for innovation in communication in the media and target audiences, as well as their acceptance in order to promote ideas, brands or products. Guerrilla Marketing injects viral concepts into different systems (real or virtual) that self-multiply in the minds of consumers, with the latter acting as a fully active participant.
It has several characteristics and it is necessary to know them in order not to waste time and money when deploying our strategy. Firstly, it must be effective and executed with the right timing. Large companies can sometimes afford to make mistakes, but this possibility must be reduced to a minimum in small and medium-sized companies.

The need to develop effective Marketing and Sales policies in companies with few resources and low budgets becomes a critical factor when it comes to ensuring the survival of the project in times of crisis such as the one we are currently experiencing. Therefore, the company must first analyze the main risks.
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that commercial departments face, in both their marketing and sales roles, when resources are scarce and see how to avoid falling into the trap of “organizational anorexia.”
The effectiveness of Guerrilla Marketing is not only the direct ROI of the action, since there will never be more than several thousand ad-hoc people reachable, but let us think about the link rate of the information in terms of news generation if the action carried out is good and the value of free space in large media. That is why a clearly defined procedure is necessary that allows us to evaluate the global impact of our campaign on all the.
We could define Guerrilla Marketing as a set of unconventional commercial or communication techniques that consist of obtaining the maximum results or visibility with the minimum investment. Guerrilla Marketing is part of many market strategies to stage actions that are aimed at quickly obtaining results for the company.
Guerrilla Marketing takes advantage of the chinese overseas british data need for innovation in communication in the media and target audiences, as well as their acceptance in order to promote ideas, brands or products. Guerrilla Marketing injects viral concepts into different systems (real or virtual) that self-multiply in the minds of consumers, with the latter acting as a fully active participant.
It has several characteristics and it is necessary to know them in order not to waste time and money when deploying our strategy. Firstly, it must be effective and executed with the right timing. Large companies can sometimes afford to make mistakes, but this possibility must be reduced to a minimum in small and medium-sized companies.

The need to develop effective Marketing and Sales policies in companies with few resources and low budgets becomes a critical factor when it comes to ensuring the survival of the project in times of crisis such as the one we are currently experiencing. Therefore, the company must first analyze the main risks.
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that commercial departments face, in both their marketing and sales roles, when resources are scarce and see how to avoid falling into the trap of “organizational anorexia.”
The effectiveness of Guerrilla Marketing is not only the direct ROI of the action, since there will never be more than several thousand ad-hoc people reachable, but let us think about the link rate of the information in terms of news generation if the action carried out is good and the value of free space in large media. That is why a clearly defined procedure is necessary that allows us to evaluate the global impact of our campaign on all the.