With Leadfeeder, you can see exactly what companies read your content. You can even see how the companies came to your site, how long they spent on a specific blog or case study, and even what actions they take after reading the content. This data can help you see what topics your ideal customers are interested in and steer away from topics that are attracting traffic but not leads.
Learn how to track the quality of leads from organic traffic. #4 Identify companies that abandoned signups In today's world, capturing leads is more important than ever. But even the most well-designed forms can't be greece business email databasecounted on to get all the information you need from your customers. In fact, 81 percent of people have abandoned an online form after beginning to fill it out. With Leadfeeder, you track companies even if they abandon your forms and get a better understanding of their buyer journey.
For example, maybe most of your customers read Blog A, visit your product page, then fill out your form. However, you notice companies who read Blog B and visit your product page are 50 percent more likely to abandon your form. In addition to being able to capture leads that abandon your form, you can see there's something wrong with Blog B that causes users to bounce—so you can fix it.