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Why develop a digital marketing plan?

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2024 4:53 am
by Bappy12
A Digital Marketing plan is a written document that sets out all the strategic planning and actions to be developed to achieve the stated objectives.

It is very important that the document you are going to create is the result of in-depth research. You must also take into account that, as it is a digital plan, you will have to carry out actions through digital means and channels.

Remember that before defining what you want to achieve through a digital peru mobile phone numbers database marketing plan, you must be very clear about what your company does, why a digital presence is essential for it, and who the target audience is to whom you should direct your communication.

The reason why a plan must be drawn up prior to developing actions is because it functions as a roadmap, which has an order and helps to better define a long-term vision. It also reinforces the commitment of those involved in the process.

Office worker at his workplace
How to create a digital marketing plan?
First of all, you must be very clear about the structure of your plan in order to develop it step by step:

The internal and external situation of the company.
Short, medium and long-term business objectives.
The strategy to be carried out to achieve the stated objectives.
The channels to be used.
The actions.
Measuring results.
The internal and external situation of the company
You need to do both an internal and external analysis of the company. This is because to see where you want to go you must first look in detail at where you are.

To do this, you must first conduct in-depth research in the digital field that answers the following questions:

What products and services does my company offer?

What is your unique value proposition?

How has digital marketing and our online presence been handled?

What results have been obtained?

How is the website managed?

Do they talk about me on social media?

What is the competition doing?

What can we learn from them?

In addition, we recommend that you perform a SWOT analysis so that you have a clear idea of ​​the situation you are in.

These are the competitive advantages that can be used to exploit opportunities. Here you should also include the company's capabilities and resources.

These are all the forces in the environment that can be used to your advantage, such as new market niches and sectors with high levels of growth.

These are all things that constitute a threat to the company and therefore must be overcome. To do this, you must ask yourself how you can improve your company and how to minimize the effects of these negative factors.

It refers to all external factors that may prevent the development of the proposed strategy, reduce its effectiveness or increase its risks.

To identify your threats, you must ask yourself what obstacles your company faces and what factors would prevent its evolution.

Workers conducting company analysis
Short, medium and long term business objectives
Once you are clear about your strengths in the market, you can begin working on your SMART goals .

Through these it will be possible to measure the success or failure of the digital marketing plan to be implemented.

Remember that your goals should be:

The strategy to be carried out
Depending on the objectives you set, you can develop your strategies in which you can use all the digital marketing tools at your disposal.

Keep in mind that you must include a product, price, distribution, promotion and communication strategy.

In addition, to define your digital marketing strategy you must take into account the following factors:

Buyer Persona
The buyer persona is a portrait of your ideal client. Creating one and having an idea of ​​who they are will help you better focus your product and service offerings and brand segmentation.

You can work on more than one profile if you have product or service lines for different types of users.

To create your buyer personas you must include the following information:

Demographic information.
Digital and work behavior.
Relationship with your brand.
Their aspirations and needs.
It is important that you know how to communicate your value proposition and why it sets you apart from the rest, that is, why they should choose you and not the competition.

You will communicate this through the different channels where your target audience is located.

Content Plan
You need to think about what content you are going to create and how you are going to distribute it. To do this, you can create a content calendar to help you with planning.

Development of the content plan
The channels to be used