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How do we apply personal branding to find a job?

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2024 4:28 am
by Bappy12
With the rise of ICTs and social networks, company recruiters have access to a large amount of information about the person they want to hire. It is of little use to have a brilliant CV if you then neglect your image on the Internet. As Alfredo Vela , an expert in Social Media Marketing, points out, “the CV is being replaced by the personal brand” .

A few months ago we explained to you “ How to create a perfect CV ” and now we want to give you the keys to making your personal brand shine online. It is not enough to be an active user of social networks, you also have to achieve an adequate image of yourself and study carefully what you say and write.

Personal branding is a marketing technique that consists of considering oneself as a brand. Just like commercial brands, our image must be communicated and worked on with the aim of standing out from others and achieving greater success in social and professional relationships. This personal seal must be created in real life (image 1.0) and also in virtual life (2.0) with the following characteristics:

Offline branding:

Be yourself: you must have a defined personality, you cannot sell an image on the Internet that has nothing to do with your personality face to face.
Networking: It is essential to participate in social and academic events related to your sector to increase your network of contacts. Don't forget to bring your business card.
Public speaking: you have to put shyness aside and practice until you achieve a fluid and natural speech. You must select the key words to use to 'break the ice' and make a good first impression.
Online branding:

Take care of your image on social networks: make yourself visible on LinkedIn colombia mobile phone numbers database and take care of your privacy on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Be active on all the ones you have an account on. We must be very careful about what we publish and where we publish it.
Generate content: share your knowledge and experiences on a blog and on social media and interact with like-minded professionals. The key is not to be anonymous or indifferent.
Be ethical: show respect for others. Communicate seriously and correctly, checking your spelling.
personal brand

One of the Spanish entrepreneurs who has exploited his brand the most is Risto Mejide , who recommends betting on 'annoyance marketing' to make our talent known and differentiate ourselves in order to grow as people and in business.

Your personal brand is who you are and what recruiters will find when they search you on Google to find out anything that will help them find out if you would be the right professional. Achieving a good branding is a task that requires a lot of time and patience. You have the power to change your image!

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Category: Professional Development