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You can ask to be promoted to team leader and start managing your own department.

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2024 3:50 am
by Bappy12
You know how to do your job, you get results and you have been established in the company for a considerable time: it is time for you to ask for that promotion that you have been dreaming of for so long. It is not crazy, remuneration and job responsibilities are two of the basic pillars for an employee to feel valued within their work environment.

Although it depends on each company, many companies take advantage of the summer season to make a half-yearly review of what has happened so far this year and it is at this time that you should be prepared to take the numbers and request your raise.

Salary increase or promotion? It depends. If you have a static position, that is, you perform your duties and have no possibility of doing others, it is best to ask for a salary increase . Here is an example: if you work as an accountant and do the company's billing , you will not be able to get much promotion.

But you can ask for a raise if you feel that the factors are favorable and that your worth is self-sustaining.

If, on the other hand, you do a more dynamic job and now take on more tasks, you are better and ready for the next level, you can ask for a promotion. For example, you work in an advertising agency as a graphic designer and you started to support the creative team, but you have managed to take on more responsibilities and you know the company inside out.

Career Promotion

Ultimately, facing this situation is not an easy task and many times the step is not taken due to fear of rejection or not knowing if it is the right time. Do you want us to help you take the step? We will tell you about it below, in a short guide:

> Study the numbers:
I'm not referring to the turnover itself, but to the numbers that affect your daily work. To continue with the example of the graphic designer: your team has seen how your designs work and, with that, the number of clients increases. It's time to show your boss, with verified data, that your promotion is almost a necessary step in the evolution of the company. Of course, arm yourself with a good report that supports every word you say.

> Choose the Timing:
That is, timing. Approaching your boss at the wrong time could mean a “no” brazil mobile phone numbers database from the start. Set the tone and ask for a meeting, explaining why, since the promotion will not be immediate. This way, you will both be prepared. Making your boss feel approached is not a good idea.

> Personal Brand :
It is a recurring theme, but it is essential. To show yourself, you must first know yourself: do a small SWOT analysis of your professional situation and be clear about where you are starting from and where you want to go. To understand me better, if you simply want a promotion for the salary, you are making a mistake. You must take the step when you feel ready for the position you want to access and the responsibilities that it entails.

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Be honest with yourself. At this point, keep in mind several things:

Talent isn't everything: you have to know how to manage it .
Work as a team: Companies are increasingly creating work teams or departments in which everyone works together. Individuality is being lost and the sooner you learn to communicate and organize with your colleagues, the more value you will add to your personal brand.
Train your organisation and time management skills : this is essential if you want to take a step forward in your professional career . Knowing how to make the most of every minute of the day, including your breaks, can make all the difference if you want to be a good team leader. Learn to set tasks, timeframes for their execution and assign priorities. Once you have all this clear, you are ready to start renewing that personal brand: you are an important asset in the company, highlight your qualities and increase your strengths, sell yourself!
> Approach this decision as an investment:
This point is closely related to the previous ones. It is important that the company does not see you as an expense but as an investment, and if it is long-term, even better.

If you were to leave the company, would you change anything? Try to answer this question as honestly as possible. If the answer is yes, explain it. If not, consider your job as a path to change: continue training, learn languages, acquire new skills, propose a new position, etc.

I'll leave you the summary in an infographic that you can save and have on hand for when you need it: