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Believe it or not, taxes for bloggers

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2024 6:42 am
by zihadhosenjm80
Believe it or not, taxes for bloggers are pretty straightforward and easy to manage.

I use a combination of practical tax tips for bloggers (informed by my CPA), paired with just a small handful of useful, free and inexpensive tax tools to manage all of the tax implications of running my blog business. It’s not difficult to learn how to do taxes on your blog income—and we’re going to walk through all of my tax tips for bloggers here today.

By now, I’m assuming you’ve probably started a blog, began reaching your target audience, and figured out how to promote your content—and your blog is now beginning to make some money (or you’re planning for that outcome).

Now comes the responsibility that many small business owners in the blogging world argentina phone number material —taxes for bloggers.

First, the answers to a few of the most pressing blog tax questions that readers have asked (click to expand each answer).

Do I need to pay taxes on my blog income?
What kinds of taxes do I need to pay on my blog income?
How do I calculate the taxes I owe on my blog income?
Disclosure: This article should not be considered tax or legal advice, as I am not a tax professional or attorney. These are simply my best practices for how I personally handle the taxes in my own blogging business, which has been shaped by consultation with my CPA. Please consult with a CPA or attorney to get advice specific to your business.

In this guide, I’m going to share all of my own best practices about managing taxes for bloggers. And don’t worry, even if you’re not a “numbers person,” this process isn’t as painful as you might imagine.

Taxes for Bloggers 101: How to Do Taxes on Your Blog Income (Blog Tax Tips)
Define What Kind of Blog Business You’re Operating
Choose Which Legal Entity to File Your Blog Taxes Under
What is a 1099-MISC Tax Form (Taxes for Bloggers)?
Keep Thorough Records For Your Upcoming Blog Taxes
Use Tax Deductions to Your Advantage as a Blogger
Understanding Estimated Taxes (Paying Quarterly Estimates)
The 3 Best Tools to Use in Managing Your Taxes for Bloggers
Disclosure: I’m big on transparency, so please know that some of the links below are affiliate links and at no additional cost to you, I may earn a commission if you purchase one of the tools I mention. Know that I only recommend products I’ve personally used and believe are genuinely helpful, not because of the small commissions I make if you decide to use them.