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Personality as a differential factor in consumer segmentation

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 10:51 am
by RafiRiFat336205
Marketing and marketers have always been obsessed with understanding the star of our game: the customer. We have wanted to understand how they play, how they move on the field, how they make decisions and, most importantly, how they score goals. To do this, the customer has been studied from different angles, but one of the techniques has become, in its own right, a marketing staple: customer segmentation.

There have been various axes by which clients have been segmented, but if I had to choose one, a concept by which to better understand my clients, it would undoubtedly be according to their personality. Personality is the aspect that most differentiates us from one another, what guides us in all the decisions of our lives, and yes, also the way we relate to brands, products all mp mobile number list 2024 and companies. Personality drives the very origin of our needs; possible barriers and possible stimuli. It affects how we search for information to satisfy them, how we compare alternatives, how we carry out the decision-making process and also how we share and recommend our experiences socially.

Personality differentiates people's behavior at the same level that whether we are men or women differentiates us. If there is a widespread concept that marketers tend to segment first, it is whether your product is for men or women; gender is an intrinsic variable of the person, it differentiates us directly in the deepest part of our cortex. Well, personality is one too.

It is known that personality is divided into two large areas: temperament and character . Temperament is the most intrinsic part of personality. It is the way in which our brain automatically responds to external stimuli. It is constant; it develops until the age of about 10-12 years and remains unchanged for the rest of our lives. Character, on the other hand, is the part of personality that is modulated over the course of life; it is a set of experiences, education and culture lived by a person. Character can influence the way people present their temperament to society. For example, how "cool" is perceived in the West is not the same as in the East, or how "modern" was perceived in Spain 40 years ago as it is today.