QR Codes, an excellent Direct Marketing tool!

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QR Codes, an excellent Direct Marketing tool!

Post by RafiRiFat336205 »

Measuring results in each marketing campaign and action is an added value of Direct Marketing. Today, a tool has been added, the QR Code, which has grown significantly in Argentina this past year thanks to the penetration of mobile phones that incorporate this technology.

Using the definition from Wikipedia, QR Codes (Quick Response Barcode) are a system for storing information in a two-dimensional barcode. Originally they were used in logistics, but combining the expansion of smartphones, social networks and creativity we can use them within our Marketing actions.

In countries like Japan, QR Codes are so popular that they are even used in visitors' passports. How to create a QR Code?

There are many free applications to create and customize a QR Code. Among them we can highlight the popular Bit.ly, which, in addition to shortening the destination URL and allowing it to be customized, automatically generates a QR Code for that URL. Depending on the use we want to give it, there are more specific tools such as Social QR Code, which easily integrates all contact number list with name social networks, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and even discount coupons. The combination of these elements is interesting to "extend" graphic ads with interactive communications, for example. Thus, a static ad in a magazine, combined with a QR Code related to a YouTube video, quickly becomes an interactive tool with results measurement. Interesting? Sure!

There are also tools to generate personal codes such as JumpScan , which can be integrated with personal cards, for example, and thus allow the recipient to obtain all of our data directly by scanning the code. The creative use of these resources is key to differentiation. It is important to bear in mind that this new technology is not widely known by users, so it is advisable to indicate in advertisements and communications how this code should be used. We must bear in mind that if you do not have the necessary software to read these codes (usually happens with older generation smartphones), it is possible to easily download tools such as Beetagg that are installed from the phone and allow for simple and fast reading. An obvious, but typical mistake, the content to which the QR Code directs must be optimized for Mobile! We will see a lot in the coming times (if not, let's look at the trend on Google Trends) of the use of this practically free technology, accessible to everyone, giving potential customers the possibility of obtaining extra, interactive information and with the ability to measure results!
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