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SSL 3.0 is the predecessor to

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 7:03 am
by Irfanabdulla1111
The HTTPS protocol is a more secure version of HTTP (the ā€œSā€ in HTTPS stands for secure) and adds a layer of security to the protocol by encrypting the transfer of resources.

On the Internet, 1999 means a long, long time ago.

That was the year that the HTTP ( Hypertext Transfer Protocol ) protocol was first used to communicate over the World Wide Web.

For almost eighteen years, HTTP has been the baseline standard for Internet communication.

Everything sent between a user and a server (data, information, content, etc.) goes through the HTTP protocol.

The current problem is that this communication via HTTP is not as secure as it once was.

When we exchange information via HTTP, said information can be intercepted, manipulated or even stolen by hackers without the need for a very sophisticated security layer.

This is where the HTTPS protocol comes into play.

Migrating to HTTPS - Hackers
Beware of hackers

What should I use, TLS or SSL?
To migrate your website to HTTPS, a security protocol must be added between the user and the server.

Once they agree to use the protocol, a procedure called communication establishment occurs and once this establishment occurs, the server sends the client a digital certificate.

The certificate acts as an encryption key, making it difficult for third parties to manipulate or steal any information from the server.

There are two protocols used to generate a certificate: the so-called Transport Layer Security (TLS) and the Secure Socket Layer ( SSL ).

While both are effective at ensuring the secure exchange of information on your website, there are some important differences.

TLS 1.0, which means that TLS is updated more frequently and therefore has higher levels of security.

In fact, some consider SSL 3.0 to be outdated, following Google's discovery of serious vulnerabilities in the security layer .

Because of these vulnerabilities, Google insists on using TLS 1.1 or 1.2 to better secure your website.

On our end, we've added a new HTTPS implementation report to our Site Audit tool .

If you're working on a website with HTTPS or are in the process of migrating to HTTPS, this report checks for mixed content, internal links pointing to HTTP pages, missing redirects or canonical codes, and pages with HTTP links in the sitemap.

Implementing HTTPS with SEMrush

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Data study
We wanted to take a closer look at the popularity of HTTPS across popular domains and email database uk online businesses.

Under the direction of data scientist Qi Zhao , we at SEMrush have conducted a study on the growth of HTTPS in recent years.

Using SEMrush Rank , we have obtained the top 100,000 domains in our database, the top 5,000 domains that stand out the most, and domains from the Fortune 500 list in order to analyze the domains of the world's leading companies.