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In 2018, the German confectioner

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 6:15 am
by robiulhasan
In China, where collective decisions are the norm, you should consider providing material that people can share with their colleagues who are part of the decision-making process.

Bear in mind that it is important to be respectful of these business norms. In some Asian countries, for example, older or more senior staff expect to be treated with respect. What can seem like assertive self-confidence in one culture can come across as rude, disrespectful behavior in another. So respect these business norms in other countries, even if you don’t agree with them

8. Religion
Don’t get ethnic or religious references wrong. This can be disastrous so it can be safest to just avoid any.

Katjes launched an advertising campaign for cell phone numbers list a new line of vegan fruit gums. It unleashed a social media storm in Germany. The advertisement showed Turkish/Serb model Vicidca Petrovic wearing a hijab, happily chewing on a fruit gum. Although the campaign was probably well intentioned, some right-wing politicians called for the brand to be banned. Others protested the use of a Muslim custom while promoting gum in the ad and labelled this act “racial capitalism”.

9. Social structures
In order to market to the right audience, you must understand how the target society is structured. Research the purchasing groups, and their levels of education and power.