Caption Life is a mirror and will

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Caption Life is a mirror and will

Post by AnamikaSA60 »

Therefore, every life you have. Wise caption The goal of life is to be happy. The goal of our life is to be happy. Dalai Lama. Happiness will keep you going even though sometimes we feel sad and confused in life. By bringing happiness you are actually fighting the bad things that make you sad. Wise Caption Love and Science Make Life Better Wise Caption A good life is a life inspired by love and guided by science.

Bertrand Russell. Wise Caption Let Life Flow Like Water Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't reject them because that will only create regret and sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally wherever whatsapp group philippines they like. Lao Tzu. something flows like water. Just like you accept the reality of life. Every problem you face will mature you. Don't be angry or reject things that happen to yourself.


Even though it is very painful, in every event there is a lesson in it all. Life is Short You are here for just a short sojourn. Don't rush, don't worry. Rest assured that you will inhale the fragrance of flowers throughout the journey. Walter Hagen. Life is only temporary. One day all living things will surely die and return to their creator. Don't live your life without meaning. At least you can return with good and unforgettable memories with the people closest to you.
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