How to pay stamp duty

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How to pay stamp duty

Post by nurmohammadkhan »

For the entire ten-year period of conservation (art. 2220 of the Civil Code) the preserved documents and the conservation index will be made available, searchable and consultable also for the purposes of exhibition.

We also remind you that the general ledger and the inventory book are argentina whatsapp resource subject to stamp duty. In order to adopt a correct method of paying the stamp duty for the maintenance of the general ledger and the inventory book, it is necessary to distinguish whether the aforementioned accounting books are kept with mechanical systems and materialized on paper for the purpose of their conservation, or alternatively are kept and stored in electronic form according to the AgID Guidelines. In the case of electronic maintenance and conservation for the payment of the tax, the provisions of art. 6 of the Ministerial Decree of 17 June 2014 must be applied .

The stamp duty must be paid in the amount of €16.00 which becomes €32.00 for individual commercial entrepreneurs, partnerships, cooperatives, mutual insurance companies, consortia, bodies and associations, for every 2,500 registrations or fractions thereof (where registration means the single accounting event ), within 120 days from the end of the fiscal year and exclusively electronically, i.e. by means of payment form F24 with the tax code " 2501 " called " Stamp duty on books, registers and other documents relevant for tax purposes - article 6 of the decree of 17 June 2014".

Resolution no. 161/E of 9 July 2007 clarified that for the  general ledger,  the single accounting event is represented by each economic transaction, recorded in double entry, regardless of the number of detail lines. For the  inventory ledger , however, the single accounting event means the registration relating to each individual asset as well as the registration of the supplementary note.

As regards the exhibition of records and documents relevant for tax purposes, paragraph 2 of art. 5 of the aforementioned Ministerial Decree provides that in the event of checks, controls or inspections, the electronic document must be made legible and, upon request, available on paper or electronic media at the taxpayer's office or at the place of conservation of the records declared by the subject pursuant to art. 35, paragraph 2, letter d), of the VAT Decree.

Paragraph 4.9 of the AGID Guidelines entitled “Methods of exhibition” establishes that, without prejudice to the obligations established in terms of exhibition of documents by current legislation, the conservation system allows authorised persons direct access, even remotely, to the digital objects stored, through the production of distribution packages according to the methods described in the conservation manual.

Is it possible to recover the past?
Yes, the recovery of the past of documents relating to previous fiscal years is absolutely provided for by the provisions of art. 4 of the Ministerial Decree of 17 June 2014. Recovery of the past means the process of dematerialising documents of a fiscal nature relating to previous fiscal years for which the retention period for that fiscal year has already expired and for which it is believed there was traditional paper conservation. To dematerialise the past, in most cases it is possible to generate electronic copies of analogue originals by simply extracting from your accounting management software the faithful and truthful electronic copies in PDF/A or PDF of the accounting book documents relating to previous periods, without having to go through the expensive and laborious process of mass scanning.

Scanning cannot be avoided where there are stamps or stampings on the original paper document that oblige the taxpayer to produce a faithful and truthful image copy by scanning. Both on electronic copies and on image copies, generation must be completed by placing a digital signature on the single copy file, which can also be done through a mass automatic signature process delegated to the Registrar. For the timing of the execution of the recovery of the past, it is recommended to do it by tax periods, in an orderly manner, in order to facilitate correct presentation in the event of a request by the bodies responsible for control; in the dematerialization of the past there is no legislative deadline but the paper original cannot be destroyed if the replacement conservation has not been completed.

In conclusion, the procedure of complete digitalization in the phases of keeping and storing accounting books is a tested operational process , already quite widespread in Italian companies and highly appreciated by the competent authorities (financial administration, judicial authorities, control bodies, etc.).
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