What is Microsoft Azure?

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What is Microsoft Azure?

Post by Bappy12 »

Today, the Microsoft brand is known, to a greater or lesser extent, by practically everyone; although it is clear that those people who are familiar with the world of ICT will have a greater knowledge of this company than those who simply know it for its office tools such as spreadsheets or word processors. Today we are going to talk about a relatively recent product from this brand, specifically, Microsoft Azure , which went on sale on January 1, 2010.

Microsoft Azure is, as we can see on this website , “Microsoft’s application platform telemarketing leads colombia telephone number data for the public cloud”. This platform offers a variety of services (all of them integrated into the cloud). These are just some of the services it covers: analysis tools, databases, storage, multimedia services, etc.

The most difficult part of this definition is “ the cloud ”. This term means that we can have all our files in one place that we can access from wherever we want and with any electronic device, as long as it has Internet access.

What are the features of Microsoft Azure?
It is an open and flexible platform , as it allows the use of operating systems (Windows, Linux, Android, iOS...) and programming languages ​​(Java, PHP...) that each client desires.
An operating system is a program that acts as an intermediary between the user and the computer; all other programs work thanks to it.
Programming language is the language that humans use to communicate with computers.
You pay for what you use . The approach that Microsoft has applied to this platform is one that we apply in our daily lives. I'll explain it with an example: the water that comes to our home is a service and depending on how much or how little water you consume, you will pay more or less money. Microsoft Azure is exactly the same, you pay for what you use.
Everything you could ever need is on the Internet , accessible from any point on earth and from any electronic device that has Internet access.
It allows you to store a large volume of files , whatever their type. These files are protected at all times and covered by the ISO 27018 standard in order to increase the privacy of your clients in the cloud.
Related to the previous point is security . Sophisticated protection measures are not available to everyone and this platform provides customers with the assurance that their data will be completely safe.
Microsoft Azure

Below is a video that explains in more detail what Microsoft Azure is:

At Femxa Group we are aware of the importance of this platform, and for this reason we have an Azure course available together with the professional certificate in Computer Systems Programming (IFCT0609) , with which you will not only obtain an official qualification, but if you successfully complete the course, it includes the exam fees to obtain the official Microsoft MCP 70-532 certification: Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions . Don't wait any longer and reserve your place!
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