SEMrush’s social media toolkit continues to gain momentum.
In 2018, we've designed a number of social media automation features to make management a more streamlined process that doesn't require hours and hours of your scarce time.
Image Editor in Social Media Poster
Do you want to share something?
And let it be beautiful.
An image editor is now available in the Social Media Poster publishing wizard !
Clicking on the uploaded image will open the editing wizard, where you can adjust your images before publishing them.
The photo editor contains over 60 hand-made filters, a library of stickers, a wide variety of frames and an extensive font library to add text to any image or creative.
Best SEMrush Updates - Social Media Poster
Pinterest Marketing: Analytics and Scheduling
In 2018, we added Pinterest analytics as well as the ability to automatically schedule pins from Pinterest accounts.
With Social Media Poster , you can now schedule, post, and compose your content to all of your Pinterest profiles at once—connect your accounts and the tool will automatically find your boards, so when you post, you can choose the board you’d like to post to from the drop-down menu.
Best SEMrush Updates - Social Media Poster Pinterest
The Social Media Tracker allows you to track the performance of your pins and compare them to you email list france r competition.
Best SEMrush Updates - Social Media Tracker
Creating UTM Parameters from Social Media Poster
Another great feature for automating your social media management: with the new UTM parameter builder available in the Social Media Poster , you can start tracking the performance of your campaigns from where you are publishing.
It allows you to add UTM parameters to your links, such as the name of the campaign, the medium on which it will be published and the source (obtained automatically, depending on the social network on which it is being published).
Best SEMrush Updates - UTM builder
UTM parameters will be added to all links you insert in the publishing wizard:
Best SEMrush Updates - UTM Builder Posts Assistant
Chrome extension for posting on social networks
What if we told you that all these features are available in our Chrome extension?
Social Media Poster is now complete with a Chrome extension , adding that extra time-saver we all need.
Whenever you find something worth sharing while browsing the web, you can post or schedule it on social media with a click.
Just like in the Social Media Poster tool itself, you can edit your
Best updates Social networks
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- Joined: Mon Dec 23, 2024 3:46 am