What are Pinterest boards?

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What are Pinterest boards?

Post by Irfanabdulla1111 »

Boards are like “whiteboards” where you organize pins.

In business accounts you will have to have as many boards as topics you are going to discuss and in each board you will have all the pins organized, as if it were a collection.

For example, you can have a board for your blog articles, another for your online store products, another for tips on how to use your products, another with user-generated content related to your products or similar products.

If you have a lot of content or you are going to pin frequently, create subboards, with sections within the collections, to keep all the content well classified.

In the example above for the Pinterest account, the pin I've posted as a sample belongs to a "recipes" subboard, which in turn belongs to the "St. Patrick's Day" board.

What is Pinterest - Subboards
It is not necessary for all boards to talk about your brand or direct to a landing page on your website or blog; you can create boards with external content that direct to an external page.

Collecting valuable content, whether your own or external, will also allow you to build loyalty among your followers .

Examples of types of Pinterest boards for businesses
The 5 most successful types of Pinterest boards for businesses are:

Inspiration boards.
Blog posts.
Gift guides.
Let's take them one by one, shall we?

Boards are a great resource for promoting workshops or courses.

Users love to find quality information on questions or advice for which they need brief and immediate information.

Inspiration boards
Users turn to inspiration boards when they are looking for ideas on a topic or motivational quotes.

Blog posts
Use these types of boards to drive traffic to your blog.

Gift Guides
In gift guides, brands post their products with gift recommendations using names with the type of motif on each of the boards.

For example, a board could be “wedding gifts” or “40th birthdays.”

Infographics are the most shared type of content by users on social media because people like tutorials with a combination of images and information.

They are ideal for explaining and also for providing information on a specific topic.

Advantages of using Pinterest if you are a company
There are multiple reasons why companies should use this social network to take advanta email database lists australia ge of their marketing strategy.

Below I list some of the main advantages of using it for companies:

Drive traffic to the website.
Expand the reach of publications.
Use it as a search engine.
Increase brand awareness.
Find out what your target audience likes best.
Take advantage of the long life of the pins.
Humanize the brand.
Let's go into more detail about each of these advantages.
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