Viewing Event Logs with Event Viewer

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Viewing Event Logs with Event Viewer

Post by Rina7RS »

To access logged events in Event Viewer, follow these steps:

Press Windows+R to open the Run command window.
Type " eventvwr.msc " and press Enter to open the Event Viewer.
Expand Windows Logs in the left navigation pane.
Click on the event category you want to access. Open Log Event CategoryOpen Log Event Category
Now scroll through the logs in the middle pane and click on the one you need information about. Since there are too many logs, you can apply a filter by following these additional steps. First, click on Filter Current malaysia telegram data Log in the right pane.Filtering logs
Filtering logs

In the Filter Current Log window , select the following items to help you find a specific error log file:
Recorded: Duration of event log display.
Event Level: The severity of the log event.
[Optional] Event ID: If you are looking for a specific error log for which you already have the event ID.

Apply event filters

Apply event filters

When you are done, click OK .
Once the filters are applied, you can scroll through the event logs in the Event Manager and double-click the one you want more information about.
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